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Mercedes Benz 2023 NICU Charity Fashion Event

I'm thrilled to announce that I will actively participate in the 2023 NICU Charity Fashion Event, making it an unforgettable evening for a noble cause. This incredible event will showcase the latest fashion trends from local and international designers, all within the mesmerizing setting of the largest Mercedes-Benz dealership in Canada. But it's not just about fashion; there's so much more to look forward to.

As an artist, I'm particularly excited to contribute to this event's success in a unique way. I will donate some of my artwork to the silent auction, allowing attendees to own a piece of my creative vision. I'll also be painting live during the event, and my painting will be up for auction. It's a chance to merge my passion for art with the spirit of philanthropy, all for a cause that truly matters.

The cause behind this event is close to our hearts. Southern Alberta faces a significant rate of critically ill and preterm births that require the dedicated care of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). These tiny, vulnerable patients and their families depend on the specialized perinatal care team at the Foothills Medical Centre. Our hospitals need the most advanced equipment to provide the best care. That's why the funds raised from this event will be directed towards Calgary Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs), ensuring that our littlest Calgarians survive and thrive.

This cause will allow us to come together to celebrate fashion, art, music, and community. There will be delectable food, refreshing beverages, live music to set the mood, interactive booths and displays to engage with, and an exciting silent auction where my artwork will be featured.

I wholeheartedly invite everyone to join me at this fantastic event. Let's make a difference in the lives of these tiny, precious souls while enjoying a night filled with fashion, art, and compassion. Your presence and support will ensure that Southern Alberta's NICUs have the resources they need to provide the best care possible. Together, we can make this event a resounding success and create lasting change for our community. See you there!

July 26

Captured Moments Gallery Art Show

September 21

Pump House Theatre Fall 2023 Exhibition