

Meditative Bliss Collection

Year: 2023

Dimensions: 11x14

Acrylic on Canvas

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About the collection

The inspiration behind "Joy" came from the mesmerizing sunsets we often witness, where the sky explodes with vibrant colours. These sunsets remind me that even though things might come to an end, there's beauty in every transition. Life's journey is full of unexpected twists and turns; in those moments of uncertainty, we discover our true colours and uniqueness.

"Joy" represents how we're all born to stand out. Each stroke of colour on this 11x14-inch canvas captures the essence of embracing individuality and finding joy in being ourselves. It's about celebrating the magic that happens when we let go of fear and fully embrace the adventure that life has to offer.

As an artist, this painting allowed me to express my love for capturing the fleeting moments of happiness and turning them into art. I believe art can connect us all, and I hope this piece uniquely resonates with you.

Shine Your Power
Mawu "The seeker of Creativity"
Depths of love
Mya "Equinox standing fully in the light of your existence"
Frida "You deserve the best"