1 on 1 Art Immersion


Join me on a 4-month intimate journey into building the habit of integrating creativity in your wellness practice.

These sessions are designed to help you reduce stress and are open to anyone, regardless of whether you're a Type-A personality like me or a Zen master. To keep things simple and stress-free, our session projects are super easy and fun. We’ll combine mindful and intuitive exercises to promote a sense of calm and connection with ourselves and the present moment as we explore pressure-free creative play.

These sessions are for everyone, regardless of your skill or experience level. You don’t need any drawing skills to benefit from this class, as we will work with simple, repeated shapes. I’ll provide templates, examples, and detailed demonstrations to support you through the process. I’ll also suggest some exercises if you want to develop further your work.

➡️ 10 Sessions

➡️ Session length: 3 hrs. In-person

➡️ Location: Maya Corona’s Studio

➡️ Frequency: 2 times per month

Reserve Your Spot

Join me on a 4-month intimate journey into building the habit of integrating creativity in your wellness practice.

These sessions are designed to help you reduce stress and are open to anyone, regardless of whether you're a Type-A personality like me or a Zen master. To keep things simple and stress-free, our session projects are super easy and fun. We’ll combine mindful and intuitive exercises to promote a sense of calm and connection with ourselves and the present moment as we explore pressure-free creative play.

These sessions are for everyone, regardless of your skill or experience level. You don’t need any drawing skills to benefit from this class, as we will work with simple, repeated shapes. I’ll provide templates, examples, and detailed demonstrations to support you through the process. I’ll also suggest some exercises if you want to develop further your work.

➡️ 10 Sessions

➡️ Session length: 3 hrs. In-person

➡️ Location: Maya Corona’s Studio

➡️ Frequency: 2 times per month

What's included:

  • Instruction will be done in person.

  • A 24-watercolour set

  • Watercolour notebook

  • A notebook with inspiring questions to track progress.

How the sessions work:

  • After you’ve reserved your spot, we will jump on a call to review the details of the date and time of the sessions. We will meet two times per month for 3 hours.

  • Sessions start with some simple meditations to bring our attention to the present moment

  • Demonstrations of basic watercolour techniques (creating washes, brush control, layering, and composition) and guided prompts to help you get into a creative flow

  • I will provide feedback on each of our projects. You’ll go home with your tools so you can keep practicing what we covered.

  • If you get stuck, I am a call away.

*It is important to note that I am not a healthcare professional. If your mental health is suffering, please reach out to a counsellor or physician.

Maya’s 1 on 1 program was exactly what I needed to start painting. So supportive. Maya walked me through the basic steps to understanding how to start working with watercolours. In one session, I learned more and gained more confidence than any other class. Maya, you have a gift for creating art and letting others find joy in creating without judgment. Maya’s program gives you the tools to start creating and the confidence to learn, grow, and try again. Thank you, Maya! ★★★★★
— Lindsay Harle
2 Month Art Immersion
from $640.00